前总统 & Landmark Aviation首席执行官, 再来一个反馈, 也是Trajen FBO网络的首席执行官, Dan拥有超过30年的零售管理和运营经验, 服务, 分销部门. 他获得了印第安纳大学的商业会计学士学位.

克林顿有超过25年的经验, holding a variety of finance and business roles for US and International companies including serving as 首席财务官 for Total 99皇冠新现金网, Vopak, 以及最近的九能源服务. 除了, he has served in executive and financial management roles for companies including Centrica (Direct Energy), 天狼星卫星广播, Vsource, 戴尔电脑与恩斯特 & 年轻的. 克林顿获得了圣霍普金斯大学会计学工商管理学士学位. 他在杜兰大学(Tulane University)获得工商管理硕士学位. He is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and is on the Board of Priority Power and Flextek Resources.

克劳丁 has more than 20 years of experience in finance roles for both US and international companies. She earned her Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting from the University of North Florida and is a Certified Public Accountant.

加入PrimeFlight前, Wayne held several executive leadership positions with Global Aviation 服务 and Aircraft Service International Group (ASIG). 他拥有超过20年的管理和运营经验,领导中心初创业务, 99皇冠新现金网, 培训, 采购, GSE设备的管理和维护.

Matt在PrimeFlight担任各种运营角色超过12年, 从运营总监到高级副总裁. 他拥有近20年的航空经验. 马特就读于库里学院.

尼尔拥有20多年的税务管理经验, 最近担任必和必拓美洲税务副总裁. He has overseen tax matters in more than 40 countries and earned his BBA and Master of Professional Accountancy from Texas A&M Kingsville.

加入PrimeFlight前, Jon served 21 years in the United States Air Force where he held various leadership positions focused on aviation. 他有超过20年的训练经验, 具有质量保证和99皇冠新现金网管理经验,拥有航空管理专业学位, 运输和商业管理以及教学系统管理.

Shawnpaul拥有超过19年的货运领导经验, holding several roles with Worldwide Flight 服务 (WFS) including various positions and most recently Vice 总统 of Cargo for North America. 他获得了佛罗里达国际大学工商管理学士学位.

拥有十多年的市场营销领导经验, 阿曼达领导了品牌推广, 市场营销, 通信, 网页设计, 社交媒体, 以及她整个职业生涯的媒体关系. 她曾在Landmark Aviation和SGS担任营销领导职务. 阿曼达在密苏里大学获得99皇冠新现金网学学士学位.

Mark拥有超过20年的物流和工程经验, 为洛克希德·马丁公司和壳牌国际公司工作&P. 最近,他担任壳牌首席建筑工程师, 在那之前, 他在巴西工作了近五年,担任离岸协调hg3088皇冠信用盘和物流主管. 马克是一名曾在美国海军陆战队担任军官的老兵. 他毕业于西北大学.

Ted brings more than 25 years of airline and aviation industry legal and business experience to our executive leadership team. He held the roles of Vice 总统 and Deputy 总法律顾问 and Vice 总统 of Global Sourcing at United Airlines, 在后一个职位上,他负责全球采购的哪些方面, 供应商选择, 谈判支持每年数十亿美元支出的合同. Ted holds a Bachelor of Science from Vanderbilt University and earned his JD from the University of Tennessee College of Law.

前执行副总裁, 地标航空公司秘书兼总法律顾问, Allen has also served as outside counsel for 再来一个反馈 and Trajen FBO Network while in private practice at Squire, 桑德斯 & 邓普西(n/k/a Squire Patton Boggs). 有30多年的律师经验, he earned a BS from the University of North Carolina and JD from South Texas College of Law at Houston.

夏洛特曾担任签名飞行支持运营高级副总裁等职务, 以及Landmark Aviation的市场营销和客户服务高级副总裁. 她拥有超过25年的领导经验, 操作, 集成, 市场营销, 以及客户服务经验,并获得了工商管理学士学位.

拥有超过35年的航空业经验, Brad began his career at Mesaba Airlines in a variety of roles including Director of Hub Operations and Director of Corporate 服务. He then went on to found Global Aviation 服务 and serve as 总统 and 首席执行官 before PrimeFlight acquired the GSE Maintenance provider. 他现在是除冰的执行副总裁 & GSE维护服务.

Joe has more than 25 years of experience in IT leadership, 操作, infrastructure, and security. He most recently held the role of Managing Director of Global Information 技术 and Security for Kobre & 金. 他还在通用动力公司担任高级IT领导职务, 安娜亚麻和Axsys科技公司. He earned his Bachelor of Science from Coleman University and holds a number of IT certifications including: CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), CEH v9(认证道德黑客), 微软认证系统工程师, CompTIA99皇冠新现金网+和CompTIA网络+.

Rob has a wealth of experience delivering growth and 持续改进 results for a number of organizations. 凭借数十年的经验, 他曾在包括大陆航空公司在内的公司担任财务职务, CEMEX, 环球气象航空公司和多佛公司. He earned his Bachelors of Arts in Economics from University of Michigan and his MBA with an emphasis in Finance and Marketing from Rice University.

拥有超过15年的人力资源领导经验, Julie曾在United Airlines担任多个职位,最近在Kilgore Industries任职. She earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from University of Houston and earned her Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) and Senior Certified Professional (SCP) certifications from Rice University.

Terry在航空业拥有超过25年的经验. 作为ProFlo工业公司的总裁, 他负责监督普罗弗洛在阿尔瓦达的所有业务, 俄亥俄州, 以及该公司位于巴兰基亚的拉丁美洲工厂, 哥伦比亚. 在2014年创立ProFlo之前, Terry曾担任Bosserman Aviation Equipment的副总裁, 公司. 他于2003年获得了托莱多大学的学士学位.

Todd有20多年的管理经验, 以航空为重点, 战略采购, 和质量. He has held roles including Director of Strategic Sourcing and Global Director of Strategic Sourcing and Commodity Risk Management. 最近,他担任舰队项目副总裁 & NetJets的翻新. 他持有俄亥俄州立大学国际商务和经济学学士学位.

萨尔有丰富的航空经验. 他曾是Ultimate Group的管理合伙人, which operated a number of aircraft cleaning contracts on behalf of Ultimate Aircraft and JetClean. 他有几十年的除冰经验, 外部清洁, 为美国航空公司提供客舱外观和相关服务.

克莱拥有近30年的航空业经验. 他曾在包括ASIG在内的航空燃料供应商担任各种管理职务, FSM, 和联合航空服务公司,然后加入空中坦克队. 自PrimeFlight于2021年收购Skytanking以来, 克莱领导了PrimeFlight所有燃料服务的销售工作. 他持有佛罗里达理工学院航空管理学士学位.

Kevin拥有超过20年的航空管理和运营经验, holding roles including General Manager and Vice 总统 for Ross Aviation and Atlantic Aviation and Client Aviation Director for Jet Aviation Flight 服务. Kevin holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration/Marketing from Westfield State College.

斯坦在航空业有着丰富的背景, 包括采购经验, 供应链管理, 关键客户维系, 持续改进, 以及运营管理. 他曾在多家航空服务提供商担任高级领导职务, 包括Swissport, 反弹道导弹航空, 池塘, 空气英国石油公司, 还有几家航空公司. 最近, he served as Senior Vice 总统 of Aircraft Maintenance and Fueling for Swissport. He earned his bachelor's degree from Mercer University and his MBA with honors from the University of Notre Dame.

马特在航空业有15年的经验. 他的职业生涯是从兼职船员开始的, and he has since held a number of leadership roles with jetBlue Airways before joining the PrimeFlight team including General Manager and Regional Manager. 马特获得了加州州立大学长滩分校的文科学士学位.

Brian拥有超过15年的航空管理经验, holding roles such as Regional Vice 总统 for ASIG and most recently Vice 总统 of Ground Operations for Sun Country Airlines. 他持有安柏瑞德航空大学航空工商管理学士学位.

Charlie has more than 20 years of management experience with most of his career spent overseeing aviation 操作. 最近, he held the roles of Area Director for Signature Flight Support and Regional Vice 总统 for Landmark Aviation. He earned his Bachelor of Arts in Business at Southwestern University and holds a commercial pilots certificate.

Pratik拥有丰富的航空运营管理经验, previously serving in director-level roles for both Southwest Airlines and Delta Air Lines before joining the PrimeFlight team. He served as the Director of Operations overseeing our BOS operation before being promoted to Regional Vice 总统.